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Pilates and Osteoporosis
Can Pilates prevent, halt and reverse Osteoporosis?

Yes, clients with osteoporosis and osteopenia can benefit from regular modified Pilates exercise program. This program will include correct lifting techniques,safe getting up and standing up and sitting down methods.

Our program will:
  1. develop awareness for axial length or the  alignment and elongiation of the spine,
  2. strengthen the abdominal and pelvic floor muscles- important for lumbar spine stabilisation and protection,
  3. learn proper breathing technique- by engaging full diafragma and in this way gently mobilising the spine and the joints connection between the spine and ribs,
  4. will improve balance and coordination,
  5. will strengthen spinal extensors.
Pilates small props-foam roller, flexring, rotator discs and strechband will be used to enhance the exercise.

Precautions are taken
Movements with spinal flexion, spinal flexion combined with rotation are exluded because of the high fraction risk.

The slowly turnover of the bones implies a long training process. In order to increase the mass of the bone, clients should practise weight bearing exercises at least 3 times a week (15-60 min.) over one year. Each exercise should be repeated between 6-12 times in a slow tempo (2-3 min.).

The exercises are specific, for example to increase the bone mass of the Trohander, clients will exercise abduction; In order to increase the density of the spine, the M. spinal erector will be strengthened. The neck of the Femur will be targerted by strengthening the M. Iliopsoas.

The increase of the the bone mass for 2% will increase the bone strength for 25%!

The exercises:
  1. hundred with head down
  2. low abs
  3. thigh circles
  4. knee drops
  5. floating arms
  6. single and and double leg strech with the head down;
  7. shoulder bridge -not too high and with neutral pelvic pine alignment;
  8. single and double leg kick;
  9. cobra
  10. star
  11. swimming
  12. spine twist (small rotation)
  13. push ups -also from the wall (if clients are not strong enough)
  14. M. Iliopsoas strech
  15. squats (using support)
  16. awareness of plumbline

and many more.

(c) Daiva Boenn, 2007-2009